Bill entitled an Act to amend the Derelict Sites Act 1990 to increase the levy placed on derelict sites; to ensure the register of derelict sites compiled by a local authority is made publicly available on the local authority's website; to ensure protection for the rights of older homeowners who have moved into residential care and own a derelict site; to amend the Urban Regeneration and Housing Act 2015 to extend the definition of a "vacant site" to include sites below 0.05 hectares; to bring into operation the entering of vacant sites on local authority registers starting June 2017; to ensure the notification of owners of vacant sites of their entry on the register by 2017; to secure payment of the vacant levy by those on the register from 2017 and payment of arrears no later than 2018; to increase the vacant site levy; to amend the Residential Tenancies Act 2004 to secure the rights of tenants in buy-to-let properties; and to provide for related matters
Last updated: 8 Feb 2017
History of this Bill
The Bill was defeated by vote.
2 Feb 2017
Seanad Éireann
Dáil Éireann
Seanad First Stage
2 Feb 2017
Seanad First Stage
The Bill is initiated or presented to the House
2 Feb 2017
Seanad Second Stage
2 Feb 2017
Seanad Second Stage
The general principles of the Bill are debated
2 Feb 2017
Seanad Third Stage
Seanad Third Stage
The Bill is examined section by section and amendments may be made
(Also known as Committee Stage)n/a
Future Stage
Seanad Fourth Stage
Seanad Fourth Stage
Amendments arising out of Committee Stage are considered
(Also known as Report Stage)n/a
Future Stage
Seanad Fifth Stage
Seanad Fifth Stage
Final statements on the Bill are made and it is set down for Second Stage in the Dáil
(Also known as Final Stage)n/a
Future Stage
Dáil First Stage
Dáil First Stage
The Bill is deemed to have passed Dáil First Stage
Future Stage
Dáil Second Stage
Dáil Second Stage
The general principles of the Bill are debated
Future Stage
Dáil Third Stage
Dáil Third Stage
The Bill is examined section by section and amendments may be made
(Also known as Committee Stage)n/a
Future Stage
Dáil Fourth Stage
Dáil Fourth Stage
Amendments arising out of Committee Stage are considered
(Also known as Report Stage)n/a
Future Stage
Dáil Fifth Stage
Dáil Fifth Stage
Final statements on the Bill are made
(Also known as Final Stage)n/a
Future Stage
The Bill is signed into law by the President
Future Stage
2 Feb 2017
As initiated
Derelict and Vacant Sites Bill 2017
This list of debates may not be complete. You can also search directly for this Bill within the Debates section.
8 Feb 2017
Seanad Éireann
Derelict and Vacant Sites Bill 2017: Second Stage
2 Feb 2017
Seanad Éireann
Derelict and Vacant Sites Bill 2017: First Stage