I thank the Cathaoirleach and members of the committee for the invitation to be here this morning to address the Joint Committee on Key Issues Affecting the Traveller Community. I welcome the opportunity to provide an update on the delivery of accommodation for Travellers. I am joined by the following officials from my Department: Mr. David Kelly, assistant secretary with responsibility for homelessness, rental and social inclusion; Mr. Patrick O’Sullivan, principal officer; and Karen Murphy, assistant principal, in the social inclusion unit.
Addressing Traveller accommodation is a priority for the Government and my Department and I appreciate the focus of the committee on this issue. The Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage’s policy in respect of accommodation for Travellers is underpinned by dedicated legislation. The Housing (Traveller Accommodation) Act 1998 provides that housing authorities have a statutory responsibility for the assessment of the accommodation needs of Travellers and the preparation, adoption and implementation of multi-annual Traveller accommodation programmes, TAPs, in their areas.
Accordingly, each local authority set targets for the provision of Traveller accommodation, which they outline in their Traveller accommodation programmes. The TAPs set out the blueprint for local authority investment priorities over the plan period and inform the basis for the delivery of all forms of accommodation for Travellers. The statutory framework provides that my Department must ensure there are adequate structures and supports in place to assist local authorities in providing such accommodation, including a national framework of policy, legislation and funding.
The publication of the final report of the Joint Committee on Key Issues Affecting the Traveller Community provides a welcome response to the many social and economic issues impacting on Travellers. As the committee is aware from previous engagements, my Department reviewed the recommendations, in particular having regard to the Traveller accommodation expert review report, for which there is already a process underway through the independently chaired programme board established to drive implementation of the recommendations.
As the recommendations of the joint committee report are primarily captured within the ongoing work of the programme board, it is helpful to direct the committee members to the ongoing progress reports of the programme board, which are published on the Department’s website. The most recent update of May 2024 has been shared with members of the committee.
In response to the 2019 report of the expert group on Traveller accommodation, a programme board was established by the Minister in 2020 to oversee implementation of recommendations from that report. The programme board includes two Traveller representatives, two County and City Management Association, CCMA, representatives, two representatives from my Department and it is chaired by the chair of the National Traveller Accommodation Consultative Committee, Mr. Niall Crowley. As an independent chair, Mr. Crowley works with the programme board members in addressing the recommendations and complex issues through a lens of both equality and human rights, in which he is an expert.
The programme board has already completed work on a number of the recommendations. For example, as part of the work of the programme board the social housing assessment regulations 2011 have been amended and now include a Traveller identifier, effective from March 2022. This is allowing for a more evidenced-based approach to the provision of Traveller accommodation giving local authorities better data in planning their TAPs and setting targets. There are many work programmes under way through the programme board, addressing issues such as the design of Traveller specific accommodation and improving data relating to accommodation provision.
I am pleased to report full expenditure of over €36 million in total expenditure by local authorities relating to Traveller-specific accommodation in 2023, which included almost €30 million in capital expenditure. This represents full spend of the budget allocation for the fourth year in a row from 2020 to 2023, amounting to a cumulative capital investment of over €80 million over this four year period. This demonstrates the drive to deliver on the commitments under Housing for All to increase and improve accommodation for the Traveller community. This investment by the Department through the local authorities demonstrates strong commitment to Traveller accommodation, which I welcome. The increase in expenditure is reflected in a higher number of outputs of new Traveller-specific accommodation, including 27 new group housing units, eight halting site units and the acquisition of 32 housing acquisitions for homes specifically for Travellers, which my Department will continue to encourage.
This year, local authorities are preparing new Traveller accommodation programmes for adoption for the five-year period 2025-2029. Local authorities manage the delivery and allocation of all Traveller accommodation under these very important five year rolling programmes, designed to meet the existing and projected accommodation needs of Travellers in their areas. My Department will facilitate, encourage and support local authorities in the delivery of their TAPs.
It is important to recognise also that the accommodation for Traveller households is provided across a range of housing options. The majority of Travellers, some 79%, live in standard housing, including local authority and approved housing bodies, AHB, housing, and housing assistance programme, HAP, and residential accommodation scheme, RAS-supported tenancies in the private rented sector. Funding for these housing supports is provided through the respective budget lines.
The accommodation of Travellers in standard social housing has grown considerably since the publication of the expert report in 2019. In 2019 there were 4,461 Traveller households in local authority and AHB social housing. That number grew to 5,569 homes by 2022, which is a 25% increase reflecting the commitment from local authorities in accommodating Travellers. When the number of households supported by other State schemes, such as HAP or halting sites, is included, it accounts for 79% of all Traveller households living in accommodation provided or supported by the State.
The Traveller accommodation unit’s budget is provided solely for Traveller-specific accommodation, such as halting sites and group housing schemes. Accordingly, funding available for and spent on the provision of accommodation solutions for Travellers is much broader than the often reported spend under the Traveller-specific accommodation budget.
The incidence of Traveller families in emergency accommodation is recognised as a significant challenge. Together with local authorities, which have statutory responsibilities for the provision of homeless accommodation and in tackling homelessness, my Department continues to work to address this challenge in conjunction with the broader challenges of homelessness. The Minister recently appointed a representative from a national Traveller organisation to the national homeless action committee.
The preferential and affordable caravan loan scheme for Traveller families rolled out as a nationwide pilot across all local authorities in 2022 and this pilot was continued until March of this year. This scheme is making an immediate and significant improvement to living conditions for families on sites. A total of 169 loan applications were approved across the pilot schemes impacting on the lives of over 626 people which includes 318 children.
My Department is finalising an evaluation of the pilot caravan loan scheme and I expect a report to be submitted to me very shortly. I recognise the importance of this scheme in providing Travellers access to caravans at a significantly discounted rate and I will consider the recommendations carefully in order to determine the next steps for this scheme. I expect that issues will arise and learnings from the pilot scheme have been incorporated into this evaluation, including any challenges with the loan limit of €40,000.
I thank the committee and the Cathaoirleach for their particular focus on this area. I assure members that I fully recognise it is of considerable importance to the Traveller community. We must strive to continue the good progress being made because the provision of Traveller-specific accommodation is central to ensuring we continue to improve the lives of Travellers, who, I recognise, face many complex challenges that are also being raised and addressed by this committee. Current progress demonstrates the drive and commitment which the Department, in conjunction with local authorities, continues to foster. This work relates to the provision of both social housing and Traveller-specific accommodation. The Housing for All plan specifically recognises the importance of addressing Traveller accommodation needs as a priority and commits to working with local authorities to improve the quality and quantity of Traveller-specific accommodation.
I am happy to answer any questions that the committee may have.