Whatever it was, we will get answers on this and on the other issues. Can we agree to note the listing of accounts and financial statements? Agreed. As usual, the listing of accounts and financial statements will be published as part of our minutes.
Moving on to correspondence, as previously agreed, items that were not flagged for discussion for this meeting will be dealt with in accordance with the proposed actions that have been circulated, and decisions taken by the committee in relation to the correspondence are recorded in the minutes of committee meetings and published on the committee's webpage.
Four items have been flagged for discussion under category B, which is correspondence from Accounting Officers and-or Ministers and follow-up to committee meetings. I propose to discuss two items from RTÉ together. The first is correspondence No. R2686 received from Mr. Terence O’Rourke, the new cathaoirleach of the RTÉ board, dated 21 June 2024. It provides RTÉ’s response to 21 recommendations made by the committee in its report on its examination of the appropriation of public moneys to RTÉ and its expenditure. It is proposed to note and publish this item of correspondence. Is that agreed? Agreed. Correspondence No. R2701 is also received from Mr. Terence O’Rourke, cathaoirleach of the RTÉ board. It provides information requested by the committee in its report on RTÉ. It is proposed to note and publish this item. Is that agreed? Agreed.
In respect of recommendation 6 in particular, RTÉ states it intends to report on the barter account finances in its annual report. Members will recall this was an issue for us which we wanted rectified. However, the recommendation specifically requests that this information be included in the financial statements. I am proposing we seek clarity from RTÉ in this regard. Is that agreed? Agreed. We sought for this to not just be included in the annual report but also in its financial statements.
As for recommendation 7, it is proposed we seek a copy of the new register of interests and the new register of external activities. Is that agreed? Agreed.
Recommendation 9 is accepted but RTÉ only commits to anonymised data for published salaries. It says there are GDPR issues and issues around employment law in this regard.
Regarding recommendation 12, RTÉ states that the committee’s recommendation to ensure co-operation with internal or external inquiries or investigations would be dependent on legal advice on a case-by-case basis. Deputy Murphy wishes to raise some issues around these responses.