I thank the Chair and the committee for inviting us to discuss Uncertain Times, the annual report for 2023 of the Office of the Ombudsman for Children. I am joined by Ms Nuala Ward, director of investigations, and Ms Aoife Carragher, head of communications. Our office is celebrating our 20th anniversary this year. We were established in 2004 by the Ombudsman for Children Act 2002. The office is an independent statutory body with two main duties, namely, to deal with complaints made by, or on behalf of, children about the actions of public organisations, and to promote the rights and welfare of children under 18 living in Ireland.
In 2023, our office received 1,790 complaints and we delivered rights education workshops to 2,090 children and students. Education was again the most complained about issue in 2023, with 40% of complaints relating to education. These complaints were about access to school places, handling of bullying complaints, school transport, the State Examinations Commission and access to complaint procedures within schools. Health and Tusla were each the subject of 23% of our complaints. Health complaints were about services within hospitals, CAMHS, children’s disability network teams and HSE-funded services providing supports for children. Complaints about Tusla, the Child and Family Agency, included complaints about children living in residential care and secure care, interagency work between services, complaint processes and access to interventions and supports provided by the agency. Our office continues to receive complaints from children and families living in direct provision and from people seeking passport services. While our office does not have the remit to examine complaints about early learning settings, such as crèches, Montessori and preschools, it is significant that 4% of the overall contacts or complaints to our office were about these settings. This is an area where there is no independent complaint pathway available and something that needs to be addressed.
We noted in 2023 that while the number of complaints has not grown, we are seeing an increase in the complexity of the complaints coming to us, with one in five relating to multiple agencies. Uncertain Times also spotlights particular systemic issues that we believe are impacting children’s ability to fully enjoy their rights. These include the unequal access to transition year for all students, children being in special care for too long due to a lack of step-down places, and teenagers at risk.
A cohort of teenagers in Irish society are harming themselves, their families and communities. These are vulnerable children who are often both criminally or sexually exploited. Many have left school without qualifications. Their behaviour may well be shaped by traumatic events in their childhoods such as death, imprisonment of a parent, addiction, separation and poverty. This may also be compounded by intellectual disabilities, mental health problems or their own addictions.
In 2023 we published Ivy’s case, which once again highlighted the ongoing issues with delays for children waiting for scoliosis surgeries, something we highlighted originally in 2017. We also completed a special report on direct provision, first reported in 2021, and the Nowhere to Turn report, a follow up to Jack's case, which we published in 2020, detailing the cases of children left in hospital by parents who could not secure the services from the State and supports needed to care for them.
I very much welcome the opportunity to appear before this committee again to discuss the OCO's annual report for 2023. However, I feel compelled to use this platform to express my frustration and disappointment about the lack of progress on a number of issues affecting children. As ombudsman, it is my duty to advocate on behalf of children and point out where their rights have been compromised. After almost ten years in this role, I find myself listing too many of the same issues over and over with no progress and even regression to show for the passing of time. Some of these recurring issues include mental health services for children, school places for children with additional needs, services to follow the assessments of needs, long waiting lists for children needing lifesaving spinal surgeries and the profound adverse impact on children growing up in transitory and insecure accommodation, such as homeless hubs, hotels and bed and breakfasts. How many times must I appear before this and other committees calling for the same changes in the best interests of children?
Uncertain Times is the title of our annual report for 2023, as too many children are facing uncertainty in the everyday lives. Children are fighting for Government’s attention and our most vulnerable children are not coming out on top of that fight. Legislation impacting children has not progressed as planned. We were promised, but are still waiting for the review of the Mental Health Act to be published. The student and parent charter has not been finalised within the Department of Education. While the review of the Child Care Act 1991 is under way, and has been for six or seven years, we hope that in its final iteration, it fully addresses the needs of children.
In July 2023, I was honoured to act as an adviser to the Mental Health Commission in the review of national child and adolescent mental health services, CAMHS, carried out by Dr. Susan Finnerty. The review told us at that time that the commission cannot provide an assurance to all parents in Ireland that their children have access to a safe, effective and evidence-based mental health service. If these children are not safe, then they are at risk. I call for a radical and brave reimagining of our mental health services for children.
The review recommended the regulation of CAMHS, a call repeated in the Mental Health Commission annual report, published only last week, in June 2024. No progress has been made on that recommendation in the past 12 months. Unfortunately that is worth repeating - no progress has been made on that recommendation in the past 12 months. As the committee can see, there is much to be done to protect the rights of children in Ireland and as this Government nears its end, it is vital that these issues are at the forefront of thinking for the future.
I want to finish on a more uplifting note and mention the OCO’s child talks event, which we host every year to mark World Children’s Day. In 2023, we hosted our largest event, welcoming 1,000 children to the Helix and streaming into many classrooms across the country. This is a special event where inspirational young speakers talk about issues with which they identify, such as vaping, identity, neurodiversity and much more, all in their own words.
In July 2023, over 100 children attended a children’s conference hosted and facilitated by our youth advisory panel. Children came from all over Ireland to consider the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child’s concluding observations to the Irish State and to give their views on what needed to be prioritised. Our youth advisory panel was also recently invited to appear before this committee and we are so proud of the contributions they made on AI and discrimination at that time. We thank the committee for that invitation.
These children remind us what it is all about and why we must do everything we can to provide the services and supports children in Ireland need to reach their potential. Again I thank the committee for the invitation to speak. We are happy to answer members' questions.