Does anybody have any questions about those? No. Can we agree to note the listing of accounts and financial statements? Agreed. As usual, they will be published as part of the minutes.
I move to correspondence. As previously agreed, items that were not flagged for discussion for this meeting will be dealt with in accordance with the proposed actions that have been circulated, and decisions taken by the committee relating to correspondence are recorded in the minutes of the committee's meetings and published on the committee's webpage.
One item has been flagged for discussion under category B, that is, "Correspondence from Accounting Officers and/or Ministers and follow up to PAC meetings". It is No. R2658, received from Ms Fiona Murphy, interim chief executive of Children's Health Ireland, and dated 13 June. It provides correspondence to the committee relating to non-compliant procurement. It is proposed to note and publish this item of correspondence. Is that agreed? Agreed.
I have flagged this one. The statement does not give a reason for not following procedures, or it says that Children's Health Ireland is tendering for services now. I see this kind of correspondence come back constantly. They say they are now following proper procedures but no clear reason is given as to why they were not followed in the first place. I propose that we write back to Children's Health Ireland and ask it for the specific reasons, in the cases that are highlighted, why proper procedures were not followed. Is that agreed? Agreed.
The next item on the agenda is the work programme. A draft work programme discussion document has been circulated to members, which is displayed on their screens now. On 4 July, we meet with Waterways Ireland in relation to the 2022 financial statements. It is proposed to invite a representative of the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage to attend. Is that agreed? If new members, such as Deputy English, wish to flag specific items for addressing, I ask them to do so as early as possible so as they can be notified. They may send them to the secretariat. On 11 July, we meet with the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine in relation to Vote 30 - Agriculture, Food and the Marine and chapter 10 of the Comptroller and Auditor General's annual report, estate management in the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine. Expenditure on horse racing and horse welfare has been flagged as an area of interest for the meeting. Do members wish to comment on or add anything to the work programme?