I wish to advise the House of the following matters in respect of which notice has been given under Standing Order 21 and the name of the Member in each case: (1) Deputy James Bannon — the need for the Minister for Health and Children to clarify the position in regard to the Midlands Regional Hospital in Mullingar and whether the withdrawal of services from the hospital and the refusal of scan and X-rays to public patients is indicative of a closure by stealth of this valuable health facility for the midlands; (2) Deputy Noel J. Coonan — the assistance available to former miners who are no longer capable of working; (3) Deputy Seán Sherlock — to ask that Kildorrery national school, roll number 19526T, in County Cork be added to the list of recipients under the summer works scheme 2010; (4) Deputy Mattie McGrath — the legislative framework for combating litter pollution and the need to motivate and energise anti-litter responses; (5) Deputy Joe McHugh — the importance of outlining a timeframe for the delivery of promised new school buildings to St. Eunan's College, Letterkenny, County Donegal; (6) Deputy Jim O'Keeffe — the continuing problem in regard to adoptions in the Russian Federation arising from the failure of the Irish authorities to forward post-placement reports of Russian children already adopted in this country and the steps that need to be taken to correct the situation so that Irish adoptive parents can again complete the adoption process for new adoptions which are currently blacklisted by the Russian authorities; (7) Deputies Thomas Byrne, James Reilly, Jan O'Sullivan and Caoimhghín Ó Caoláin — the need for the Minister for Health and Children either to extend the Lourdes hospital redress scheme by ministerial order to cover the some 35 women victims of Michael Neary who have been heretofore excluded under its terms or that she instruct the State Claims Agency to agree a suitable non-adversarial process that will cater to the just claims of this cohort of profoundly damaged women; (8) Deputy Trevor Sargent — the need for a new social welfare office at Balbriggan, County Dublin; (9) Deputy David Stanton — to ask the Minister for Health and Children to address concerns about the future of Cobh community hospital by clarifying the position regarding future funding for the hospital and if she will make a statement on the matter; (10) Deputy Mary Upton — the need for clarification on the future of the home help services in the Ballyfermot-Inchicore area; and (11) Deputy Thomas P. Broughan — the urgent need for the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government to establish a commission of investigation to examine all aspects of planning, construction and building control and building repairs in the north fringe district of Dublin city and Fingal county.
The matters raised by Deputies Thomas Byrne, James Reilly, Jan O'Sullivan, Caoimhghín Ó Caoláin, Trevor Sargent and Mattie McGrath have been selected for discussion.