I raise the issue of the public library in my parish of Gaoth Dobhair in County Donegal. I have an association with the library. I borrowed a number of books when I was approximately 11 and one of them was responsible for my ending up in this House. The book inspired me or led me to dig a little deeper into the history of our country.
On 23 June last year, the parish of Gaoth Dobhair was subject to flash flooding. The library was housed in the old chapel in an area of historic significance. A river used to run through the area. There was flooding in the chapel in the 1800s and a number of people died in the parish. The river burst its banks as a result of the flash flooding last summer and the whole library was submerged in water. Every single book was damaged and it was a terrible scene. I was present with other public representatives and the county manager, county librarian and staff. We walked through the flooded area in our wellingtons and were trampling on books. Anybody who meets a librarian or somebody who loves books will realise what it is like to stand on books piled four deep. Included were Patrick McGill's books, some of which were autographed first editions. They were completely ruined and it was heartbreaking.
On leaving the old chapel, I turned to the county manager and said this cloud needs to have a silver lining. The silver lining is that there was a project earmarked for Gaoth Dobhair. The construction is nearly completed. One third of the building, the ground floor, has been occupied in recent weeks by the naíonlann, the preschool and play school. The other part of the bottom floor of the project at Aislann Ghaoth Dobhair was supposed to house the library but, because of financial difficulties, the project was put in cold storage. Now that Gaoth Dobhair parish does not have a library and that flooding and other acts of God have damaged and taken away the old library, I believe Aislann Ghaoth Dobhair is the proper place to complete the project.
Having spoken to officials in the Department and in the council, I have learned approximately €500,000 in capital funding will be required to complete the area earmarked for the library. I have been in it and walked around it with those responsible for the building. It is a fantastic place. What better place could one locate the library than where there are already preschool children? It is most opportune to have them surrounded by books on the same floor.
I understand an application was made by Donegal County Council as long ago as September. From liaising with officials I understand a decision is imminent. The project will cost approximately €500,000 in capital funding and further funds will be required to restock and refit the facility. There will be a need for co-funding from Donegal County Council. Last week Donegal County Council earmarked in its three-year capital programme co-funding for the project. We hope there will be some good news for the parish of Gaoth Dobhair such that there will be a silver lining in the cloud that destroyed our library on 23 June last year. I hope the Minister of State will have some good news for us.