I thank Deputy Kerrane for the question. Since the first finding of ash dieback in Ireland in 2012, my Department has introduced reconstitution schemes to restore forests planted under the afforestation scheme which had suffered from or which were associated with plants affected by disease. A total of €10 million has been expended to date on these schemes, which includes a grant for site clearance as well as replanting.
In July of last year, my Department launched the latest of these schemes, the reconstitution scheme for ash dieback, under the new Forestry Programme 2023-2027 with enhanced features, including a 100% increase in the site clearance grant rate, enhanced replanting grant rates under the programme, and, for those in receipt of farmer rate of premium, a single top-up premium equal to the difference between the equivalent forestry type and the existing premium will be paid for the remaining years left in premium.
Also last year, I tasked an independent group to review existing Department supports for ash dieback. The group's remit was to review the existing and previous supports available to landowners with ash forests, as funded under the national forestry programme, and to engage with relevant stakeholders to seek their views on the current supports for ash forest owners. The group presented its report in September with 13 recommendations covering a diverse range of issues. In response to this report, I will be bringing a detailed ash dieback action plan to Cabinet for approval in the very near future. This will outline comprehensive actions by my Department to deal with the issue of ash dieback. Detailed deliberations are currently taking place to ensure an efficient, appropriate and proportionate response. Further, a subgroup of the forestry strategy consultative committee has been established and will meet shortly to address ash. This group will work as a task force to ensure a greater level of engagement and action on ash dieback and other forest health matters.
My Department continues to issue approvals under the reconstitution scheme. Reconstitution scheme approvals have issued for around 2,000 ha in the past six months and applications for a further 1,500 ha are currently being processed, demonstrating increased demand for this scheme.