I move:
That Dáil Éireann shall take note of the Report of the Joint Committee on Finance, Public Expenditure, and Reform, and Taoiseach entitled "Report on Politically Exposed Persons", copies of which were laid before Dáil Éireann on 13th December, 2023.
I thank members of the committee and all those who appeared before us, including departmental officials, to provide an insight into the process used to bring about changes in the Criminal Justice (Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing) Act 2010, which has implications for Members of this House, members of county councils, civil servants and the families of all those involved.
What concerns me most is the process used by the European Union to arrive at the decision to tell member states to include this in legislation. Very few public representatives are involved in that process, which shocks me. The Minister might attend a session once a year or once every two years. The minutes are available, but they are not public sessions. These decisions are reached. Where did all this emanate from? There is a diagram in the report which states that they originated in 1989 and were pushed by the G7. Ireland, as a member of the European Union, is bound by the recommendations and, as I said, the recommendations are arrived at through plenary sessions and the odd ministerial session - I presume that is just to give it a nod - and it goes to the European Union, the European Commission, the EU Council working party and then the European Parliament. By that stage, however, all the workings and wording required to be transposed into Irish law, in our case, is agreed to.
Let us move on to the implementation of it. Members of this House are all politically exposed persons. The implications of that are that we have problems with our banking. Our family members have to disclose that they are associated with a politically exposed person, as if we were all criminals. Councillors go through the same rigorous process. Banks do not really want politically exposed persons as customers because it entails all sorts of monitoring of the accounts, notifications of transactions that might be deemed unusual and it causes further problems in relation to the element of politically exposed persons when the Central Bank audits a bank. If you have a credit union account, the transfer of your salary might be questioned. Transfers within the credit union from current accounts to whatever other accounts people have are questioned. We are notified. The process is delayed. When we make an application for a loan we have to go through a further ten or 12 pages in order to be considered. Many Members have told me that they were not refused loans but that the process was so difficult that they did not bother with it. That is wrong. Some Members' secretaries in the House have been told that they are politically exposed persons and they have the same problems in dealing with their banks or credit unions. The county councillors who are currently meeting in the Seanad to talk about local government are in the same situation.
No one involved in the House or in councils is objecting to a process that will make it all transparent and clear and that will keep us all honest, but this has gone too far. When the sons and daughters of Members of the Houses or of county councillors go to a bank and ask for a loan, they are treated in exactly the same way. Someone has to call a halt to the mad bureaucracy involved here. Otherwise, people will not be interested in politics, not because they have something to hide, but because the regulation is such that it prevents members of councils, the Dáil or Seanad or their family members from functioning properly as they go about their normal business.
My son applied for a loan. It was not refused. However, at the point of approval, it was said to him that he was John McGuinness's son. He had to fill out further pages of an application. That is wrong. I do not know how a mechanic could interfere with me, as a public representative, or the process of decision-making. The interesting thing in the minutes of some of these meetings is that certain civil servants, at a meeting of civil servants as part of the process I just outlined, were taken off the list. If my family members and those of the Minister of State, who have nothing to do with politics, are deemed to be politically exposed persons, everyone working in the public service and Civil Service must be politically exposed persons, by definition. That is wrong.
I have asked the Minister for Finance to address this because this report dates back to Christmas 2022 or Christmas last year, but since then there were further changes to this. Those further changes make it next to impossible to carry out one's business in the way one would normally do. It is not just we as politicians who are affected but family members, relations, and so on. The word "associates" is used but there is no definition around what that is. A bank that wants to be really difficult can take on an extended relation such as an office worker. Is the person cleaning my office a politically exposed person? It is ridiculous and it is not being looked at in a way that would make common sense to anyone. It is just making things difficult. I can imagine that perhaps in Russia or some of the big states within the European Union we might want something like this. If we cannot tailor a piece of legislation like this to cover every eventuality within our own small country then we have certainly diminished our sovereignty. That is a fact.
Looking at the topic we will debate maybe next week, the migration pact, we see the same thing. The European Union decides. There is no real input from the committee. That is just bluff and window dressing. There will be a debate in this House but at the end of the day when that debate is finished, just like the politically exposed persons legislation and the transposition of whatever changes the European Union has made, it will be put into the Irish law. It will be put into our legislation without debate. The committee made various sensible recommendations, one of which was that these changes that affect our lives should be debated by an Oireachtas committee before being finally adopted. The same could be said about that migration pact. Too much is being handed down from Europe and going through this House on the nod without anyone standing up and challenging the European Union. The European Union was meant to be there for the benefit of people, society and all of the member states but in recent years I have seen nothing but the imposition of bureaucracy upon bureaucracy making it almost impossible to function and making this House and the committees of this House just talking shops.
That is what the electorate are railing against during these particular local and European election campaigns. The electorate is railing against the fact that this House does not make the decisions that are relevant to their lives but they come from the decisions made in Europe. If it is anything like the decisions reached on politically exposed persons dating back to the Financial Action Task Force of 1989 and the legislation of 2010 it is no wonder the public believes we are not governing our own country and questions our sovereignty.
I ask that the recommendations made by the committee that has put a lot of work into be considered by the Minister for Finance and that each member state should be able to adjust some of the recommendations being made. No member of the committee or member in politics that I know of anywhere would ask that we not do anything about this issue. It is necessary but somebody has to say "stop". Somebody has to ask for common sense in all of this.
Finally, I hope the Minister of State will address these issues, that the Departments of Justice and Finance will take all of this debate seriously and that we will get some response to the committee's recommendations and to the actions for the future that will protect, legally, all of the Members of this House and all of the people who are in public life. Guess what, during the deliberations and our discussions with Department officials who attended some of these meetings we were told it was desired to extend all of this nonsense to everyone in the country? I am not just saying that. It is there in the report, read it, I just cannot find the page number at the moment. A senior official told us that is what they want to see. Is that the type of country we want, a country that is run by the European Union, that ignores the practicalities of doing business in this State, that treats everyone like a criminal? There is no opportunity for the political system in this House or the committees to actually make a change that makes sense under the regulations that the European Union wants to introduce here and wants to have transposed into Irish law.
We encourage people to join political parties and get involved in politics. I do not care whether they are independents or what party they join. I love to see young people coming into politics, both men and women, but this would put anyone off.
The UK banks are now starting to charge an enormous amount of money to maintain these accounts. If that is the case I want to know what our Central Bank will do when that starts to happen in this country. The banks are a law unto themselves. I have heard from business people who are politically involved and hold office in the UK; they have told me they cannot get their business accounts to function as they should because everything is being delayed. It is not that they are doing anything wrong but maintenance fees are being charged even on business accounts. Will Ireland arrive at that point? Is it really fair that a politician's secretary be classified as a politically exposed person? Is a mechanic who is the son of a politician or a daughter going for a loan exposed to the same rigours and nonsense contained in some of what is being set out for us?