I understand the Chief Whip has a proposal to make.
Gnó na Dála - Business of Dáil
It is proposed that:
The ordinary routine of business as contained in Schedule 3 to Standing Orders shall be modified to the following extent, with consequential effect on the time for the adjournment of the Dáil:
(i) the following items of business shall not be taken:
- Leaders’ Questions pursuant to Standing Order 36;
- Order of Business and Questions on Policy or Legislation pursuant to Standing Orders 35 and 35A;
- Oral Parliamentary Questions to the Taoiseach pursuant to Standing Order 46(1); and
- private members’ business pursuant to Standing Order 159: Provided that the rota for private members’ business pursuant to Standing Order 169 shall re-commence on Wednesday with a motion selected by the Regional Group; and
(ii) pursuant to the Resolution of the Dáil of 10th April, 2024, two members of the Government other than the Taoiseach shall answer oral Parliamentary Questions pursuant to Standing Order 47(2), with the Minister for Public Expenditure, NDP Delivery and Reform answering first;
and that:
The proceedings on the Acknowledgement and Apology to the Families and to the Victims of the Stardust Tragedy shall not exceed 3 hours and 52 minutes and the following arrangements shall apply thereto:
(i) the order of speaking and allocation of time shall be as follows:
- speech by An Taoiseach - 40 minutes;
- speech by other representatives of Government – 20 minutes;
- speech by representative of Sinn Féin - 40 minutes;
- speeches by representatives of the Labour Party, Social Democrats, People-Before-Profit-Solidarity, the Regional Group, the Rural Independent Group and the Independent Group - 20 minutes per party or group;
- speeches by non-aligned members – 2 minutes; and
- a speech in response by a Minister or Minister of State - 10 minutes; and
(ii) members may share time.
Is that agreed? Agreed. Go raibh maith agaibh, tá sé sin aontaithe.
I just wanted to make a very brief point. I greatly welcome the apology that is going to take place today. It is grossly overdue.
Deputy McNamara----
No, it is on the Order of Business. We also need to deal----
The Order of Business has been agreed, Deputy.
----with apologies for what is happening now, in particular what is happening at University Hospital Limerick.
The Order of Business has been agreed.