As the national tourism development authority, Fáilte Ireland’s role is to support the long-term sustainable growth in the economic, social, cultural and environmental contribution of tourism to Ireland. Fáilte Ireland works in partnership with the Government, State agencies, local authorities, representative groups and industry to develop tourism across Ireland by creating destination development plans and networks and investing in infrastructure, activities, visitor attractions and festivals.
Fáilte Ireland also provides consumer and buyer insights, mentoring, business supports and training programmes and buyer platforms to help tourism businesses innovate and grow. Fáilte Ireland is also responsible for domestic holiday marketing across four regional experience brands: the Wild Atlantic Way, Ireland’s Ancient East, Ireland’s Hidden Heartlands and Dublin.
County Meath is included in Fáilte Ireland’s new Ireland’s Ancient East Regional Tourism Development Strategy 2023-2027. This roadmap sets out a strategic approach to unlock the commercial potential of the region while ensuring development is sustainable, that benefits accrue to local communities, and that it protects our natural environment. Under the strategy, the ancient destination experience development plan, which includes County Meath, provides a destination-wide tourism development focus, harnessing existing plans and examining new projects to create a world-class destination with "Ancient" as the core development theme. Since the launch of the plan in May 2021, 26 of its 84 projects have been completed and a further 41 are in progress.
Key achievements in 2023 included the completion of a plan to reimagine the Boyne Valley drive and the continued growth of the world class Púca festival, all of which have contributed greatly to an emerging tourism destination. The Púca festival received national funding of €900,000 from Fáilte Ireland to deliver a high-quality cultural festival, contemporary and distinctive from other Halloween events in other cities, all set against the backdrop of a historically authentic setting.
The digital that delivers scheme is a two-year programme that provides participating businesses with training, expert advice, and financial supports to launch key digital projects, develop digital skills and drive more sales through wider online distribution. A total of just over €149,000 in funding has been provided to businesses in Meath under this programme. Meath is also included in the Keep Discovering Campaign 2024, which raises the profile of the county and attracts both national and international visitors.