I thank Deputy Farrell for this important question. As she knows, I recently received Government approval for an overarching policy approach for student accommodation in Ireland. This policy looks at a number of ways to stimulate supply of student accommodation, including standardised design, continued promotion of the rent-a-room scheme and recognition of the Government's commitment to reactivating vacant and derelict properties.
I am developing schemes to enable the repurposing of existing on-campus buildings or refurbishment of vacant properties located close to campuses as student accommodation, in consultation and alignment with initiatives being led by the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage.
Many campuses are located in regional towns and cities where vacancy rates are higher. Government policy in this area, through the Town Centre First policy document identifies the need to bring vibrancy back to town centres through residential development. Refurbished properties also benefit from a much lower carbon footprint. Through the vacant property refurbishment grant under the Croí Cónaithe Towns Fund, 6,697 applications have been received to date, of which 3,764 have been approved.
All local authorities, which now have a dedicated full-time vacant homes officer, are currently undertaking a survey of vacant and derelict properties. The Department of housing has provided data on vacancy and facilitated engagement for my departmental officials with local authority officials, who have knowledge and information on relevant vacant properties. My officials and the higher education sector are working with these officers to identify suitable proposals for review.
I have written to the technological universities and asked them to send in proposals and ideas by 15 March. This week a workshop is taking place with all of them along with the HEA. We want to build purpose-built student accommodation. Like the Deputy, we also want to see if anything can be done quicker and we believe refurbishing vacant properties will be part of this. I have heard this from the presidents of technological universities as I have travelled around the country. Sometimes it might be on campus and more likely than not it might be accommodation nearby. Sinn Féin's policy document on housing and Government policy on housing recognise the value of looking at vacant property. I want students also to be able to benefit from that.