I thank the Deputy for raising this issue. One of the key pension reform measures I introduced from January this year is to enhance State pension provision for people who have been caring for incapacitated dependants for 20 years or more. To date, 2,746 applications have been received from people requesting that a caring period be included on their social insurance contribution record. These are in respect of 2,113 individuals as some people register for more than one caring period. Some 2,275 of these applications for a caring period have been allowed. The remaining applications are pending as further information is awaited. There have been no disallowances to date.
Of all those who have had caring periods allowed, 821 have cared for periods of over 20 years and will thus qualify for long-term caring contributions, which can be used for contributory State pension purposes. Of these, 402 are aged over 66 years. Some 113 carers who were aged 66 prior to 2024 have had their entitlement to a State pension contribution examined, or their rate reviewed, following the award of 1,040 or more long-term caring contributions.
Some 47 carers who were previously disallowed were awarded a contributory State pension from 1 January 2024; 48 carers were awarded an increased rate with the inclusion of their caring contributions; eight carers were already in receipt of the maximum rate of contributory State pension; and a decision is pending in the case of ten individuals. In addition, four carers who have turned 66 since the start of 2024 have been awarded 1,040 or more long-term caring contributions and the contributory State pension.
I hope the Deputy agrees that this scheme is key to recognising the role that long-term carers provide in society. I thank the Department's staff, as well as groups such as Family Carers Ireland for their support in developing this scheme and making it happen.