I thank Deputy Kerrane for the question. The Forestry Programme 2023-2027 was approved by the Government on 6 September 2023 along with other non-programme actions under the forest strategy implementation plan. The new afforestation scheme also opened on this date. My Department is now in a position to grant afforestation licences and scheme approvals under this programme. The forestry programme operates pursuant to State aid approval. In accordance with Ireland's obligation to comply with both the latest EU state aid and environmental requirements, afforestation under the new programme will be avoided on environmentally unsuitable sites. This ensures that afforestation will be adapted to environmental sensitivities such as habitats and species, including Natura sites, freshwater pearl mussel and hen harrier, breeding curlew, open habitat birds, Annex I habitats, high-nature-value farmland, peat soils, hedgerows, water quality, including fisheries sensitive areas, water body status, acid-sensitive areas, archaeology, landscape and local sensitivities. While it is of the utmost importance to increase our afforestation rates substantially over the next decade, it is also crucial that this is completed in an environmentally sound and sustainable manner. It is my intention to work closely with the relevant stakeholders to realise this ambition.
Shortly after the adoption of the new Forestry Programme 2023-2027 my Department held in-person and online training sessions for registered foresters, ecologists and Coillte. This covered topics such as the changes to the requirements of the application process, peat survey techniques and habitat identification while also addressing queries from stakeholders. Further training will be provided as required over the duration of this programme. In addition, extensive engagement has taken place with other stakeholders. In October, I met directly with Forest Industries Ireland, FII, to discuss all aspects of the new forestry programme. In November, it was my pleasure to address the International Agroforestry Conference and highlight the revised agroforestry elements within the new programme. These include, for example, an increase in the premium period from five to ten years. To date, I have also spoken directly with various stakeholders including FII, the Social Economic Environmental Forestry Association, SEEFA, and the forestry nursery sector.