I wish to advise the House of the following matters in respect of which notice has been given under Standing Order 37 and the name of the Member in each case:
Deputy Ciarán Cannon - To discuss the urgent need for an indoor sports facility at Seamount College in Kinvara, County Galway.
Deputy Gary Gannon - To discuss street safety in Dublin's north inner city.
Deputy Louise O'Reilly - To discuss the shortage of school places in north County Dublin.
Deputy Michael Moynihan - To discuss the need to fill all vacant SENO positions across the country.
Deputy Joe Flaherty - To discuss the non-payment of the pandemic bonus to section 39 workers.
Deputy Denis Naughten - To discuss the delays in progressing flood relief projects in south Roscommon at Lough Funshinagh and on the Shannon and Suck Callows.
Deputy Chris Andrews - To discuss Shelbourne Park and the need to ensure the site is protected and utilised to its full potential.
The matters raised by Deputies Michael Moynihan, Cannon, Naughten and O'Reilly have been selected for discussion.