Gabhaim buíochas leis an gcoiste sin as plean fiontair an iarthair.
As the Deputy knows, balanced regional enterprise development continues to be a key policy for this Government, as is reaffirmed in the White Paper on enterprise. Our Department contributes to this agenda in several ways, including through the development, implementation and oversight of nine regional enterprise plans.
The west regional enterprise plan covers Galway, Mayo and Roscommon, and was launched in Castlebar last year. Each regional enterprise plan is overseen and monitored by a steering committee made up of regional stakeholders and chaired by a senior level private sector businessperson, who, in the case of the west regional enterprise plan, is Ms Evelyn O'Toole from Complete Laboratory Solutions in Clifden. She is doing an excellent job in leading the plan.
I attended the most recent meeting of the west regional enterprise plan steering committee on 20 June in the BIA Innovator Campus in Athenry and I believe good progress is being made in delivering on the strategic objectives of the plan. The Minister, Deputy Coveney, and I also had engagement with Ms O'Toole and Ms Helena Deane, the programme manager for the plan, at the recent Building Better Business event in Ballina.
Action 7.2 of the plan, to "develop initiative to encourage emergence of 'born sustainable, born circular' start-ups", comes under the strategic objective to "facilitate an equitable digital and green transformation in the West". This objective aims to encourage enterprise to engage in the use of smart advanced technologies to improve energy and resource efficiency, and to promote the industry-related circular economy. The rationale for action 7.2 is that, looking to the next generation of indigenous enterprise, we need to instil a green mindset into the start-up development journey. We want to ensure that zero-carbon environmental practices and business models are embedded from the outset as companies grow and scale.
The action is currently in progress and led by the three west regional local enterprise offices in Galway, Mayo and Roscommon, with quarter 4 next year as the target for completion. The LEOs have already started to embed the concept of born sustainable, born circular in their early-stage programmes, such as "Start your own business" and "Lean launch".
Regional stakeholders are also pursuing a range of other activities, bringing together public bodies, industry and higher education institutions to support adaptation to the circular economy.
The west region was designated a fellow under the EU circular cities and regions initiative in 2022. This initiative aims to enable the green transition by boosting circularity at local and regional level.