Roimh bogadh ar aghaidh, cuirim céad míle fáilte roimh na gcuairteoirí atá inár gcomhluadar inniu ón mBreatain Bheag. Beidh siad ag glacadh páirt i sraith cruinnithe i rith an lae, go háirid Ruth Jones, Teachta Parlaiminte. Cuirim fáilte rompu.
Before proceeding with business, on my own behalf and on behalf of the Members of the Dáil I offer a céad míle fáilte, a most sincere welcome to the Honourable Ruth Jones, MP for Newport West and the shadow minister for the environment, food and rural affairs who is visiting Leinster House today for various meetings. She is very welcome to Dáil Éireann. I hope she will find the brief visit and meetings useful and of mutual benefit.