asked the Minister for Agriculture if he will state the date on which the agreement for the sale of potatoes to the British Minister of Food was made, by whom the agreement was negotiated and concluded, on what evidence or advice it was assumed we would have the necessary surplus of potatoes to export, inside of what date must the contract be fulfilled, what are the prospects of our filling the contract from home supplies; if we are unable to do so what steps have been taken to secure supplies from an outside source and at what price or conditions can supplies be obtained for sterling and, should this not be possible, what hope there is of having the necessary dollar release effected to complete the purchase, and whether there has been any pressure from the British Food Ministry for the supply of the balance of potatoes for which we contracted.
Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Potato Exports.
The Department's letter of agreement to accept the offer of the Minister of Food to buy 50,000 tons of ware potatoes of the 1949 crop for delivery before 15th May, 1950, was dated the 19th March, 1949. This was an extension of the previous agreement in respect of a similar quantity from the 1948 crop, the negotiations for which were initiated in 1947. Having regard to the very large exportable surplus from the 1948 crop, it was a reasonable conclusion that there would have been at least 50,000 tons available for export from the 1949 crop had there been no reduction in the area under potatoes in that year. It will not be possible to complete the contract with supplies from the home crop, but I am not in a position, at this stage, to furnish details of further measures which may have to be taken to deal with the situation.
Will the Parliamentary Secretary say on what date must the contract be completed?
The 15th May.
Will he also answer the point in the question about what steps have been taken to secure supplies from outside sources?
I think the Minister on another occasion some two or three weeks ago indicated that efforts had been made to get potatoes from other countries to fulfil this contract.
Where would they get them?
On the Continent.
Anywhere else besides the Continent?
Not that I am aware of.