John Perry
Question:310 Mr. Perry asked the Minister for Finance the annual cost of mortgage interest relief for first time buyers; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [34260/06]
View answerDáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 24 October 2006
310 Mr. Perry asked the Minister for Finance the annual cost of mortgage interest relief for first time buyers; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [34260/06]
View answerI am informed by the Revenue Commissioners that statistics are not available which would enable the precise information sought by the Deputy to be given.
However, out of a total cost of approximately €280 million for all mortgage interest relief granted under the Tax Relief at Source (TRS) system in 2005 it is estimated that approximately €160 million relates to first time buyers.
It should be noted that the €160 million is an estimated figure calculated by reference to base data for the tax year 2003. As such it is provisional and may be subject to change as more up-to-date data becomes available.