I have received notice from the following Senators that they propose to raise the following matters: Senator Róisín Garvey - The need for the Minister for Housing, Local Government and Heritage to make a statement on the supports available to assist people living in older houses of high heritage value to help them to improve their building energy rating using traditional or more modern building methods. Senator Emer Currie - The need for the Minister for Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth to make a statement on the closure and sustainability of registered childcare services in Dublin West. Senator Paul Gavan - The need for the Minister for Education to recognise Educate Together as a distinctive ethos for the purpose of allocating school bus places. Senator Tim Lombard - The need for the Minister for Education to make a statement on the process in place for an ongoing review of the scheme of reasonable accommodations at State examinations, including the addition of new reasonable accommodations. The matters raised by the Senators are suitable for discussion and they will be taken now.