Garda Síochána (Recording Devices) Bill 2022: Report Stage (Resumed) and Final Stage
Amendment No. 51 not moved.
Government amendment No. 52:
In page 22, line 26, to delete “installation or operation” and substitute “installation, operation or both,”.
Amendment agreed to.
Government amendment No. 53:
In page 22, line 36, to delete “information or”.
Amendment agreed to.
Government amendment No. 54:
In page 23, line 1, to delete “installed and operated” and substitute “installed, operated or both”.
Amendment agreed to.
Government amendment No. 55:
In page 23, lines 8 and 9, to delete “installation or operation of the CCTV, or both,” and substitute “installation, operation or both, of the CCTV”.
Amendment agreed to.
Government amendment No. 56:
In page 23, line 13, to delete “installation or operation of the CCTV, or both,” and substitute “installation, operation or both, of the CCTV”.
Amendment agreed to.
Bill recommitted in respect of amendment No. 57.
Government amendment No. 57:
In page 23, lines 14 to 16, to delete all words from and including “good” in line 14 down to and including line 16 and substitute “good character.”.
Amendment No. 57 arises out of recommittal proceedings. Amendments Nos. 57 and 61 are related and may be discussed by agreement. Does the Minister of State wish to speak to amendments Nos. 57 and 61?
These amendments are to ensure consistency in language in the Bill with others in the Statute Book. This change does not impact the Garda Commissioner's ability to vet persons in these categories. It remains open to the Garda Commissioner to do so to ensure the person is of good character.
Amendment agreed to.
Bill reported with amendment.
Government amendment No. 58:
In page 23, line 26, to delete “installing or operating CCTV, or both,” and substitute “installing, operating or both, CCTV”.
Amendment agreed to.
Government amendment No. 59:
In page 23, line 28, to delete “installation or operation” and substitute “installation, operation or both”.
Amendment agreed to.
Government amendment No. 60:
In page 23, line 36, to delete “installing or operating CCTV, or both,” and substitute “installing, operating or both, CCTV”.
Amendment agreed to.
Bill recommitted in respect of amendment No. 61.
Government amendment No. 61:
In page 23, lines 37 to 39, to delete all words from and including “good” in line 37 down to and including line 39 and substitute “good character.”.
Amendment agreed to.
Bill reported with amendment.
Government amendment No. 62:
In page 24, line 9, to delete “installation or operation,” and substitute “installation, operation”.
Amendment agreed to.
Government amendment No. 63:
In page 24, lines 11 and 12, to delete “installation or operation” and substitute “installation, operation or both”.
Amendment agreed to.
Government amendment No. 64:
In page 25, line 17, to delete “installation or operation,” and substitute “installation, operation”.
Amendment agreed to.
Government amendment No. 65:
In page 25, lines 19 and 20, to delete “installation or operation” and substitute “installation, operation or both”.
Amendment agreed to.
Government amendment No. 66:
In page 25, line 39, to delete “installation or operation,” and substitute “installation, operation”.
Amendment agreed to.
Government amendment No. 67:
In page 26, lines 4 and 5, to delete “installation or operation” and substitute “installation, operation or both,”.
Amendment agreed to.
Government amendment No. 68:
In page 26, lines 18 and 19, to delete “install or operate, or cause to be installed or operated,” and substitute “install, operate or both, or to cause to be installed, operated or both,”.
Amendment agreed to.
Government amendment No. 69:
In page 26, line 20, to delete "installs or operates, or causes to be installed or operated," and substitute "installs, operates or both, or causes to be installed, operated or both,".
Amendment agreed to.
Government amendment No. 70:
In page 26, line 35, to delete "thereof;" and substitute "thereof,".
Amendment agreed to.
Amendment No. 71 not moved.
Government amendment No. 72:
In page 27, line 1, to delete "coerces, threatens" and substitute "coerces".
Amendment agreed to.
Government amendment No. 73:
In page 27, line 2, to delete "act in a manner contrary to" and substitute "commit an offence under".
Amendment agreed to.
Government amendment No. 74:
In page 31, line 32, to delete "thereof;" and substitute "thereof,".
Amendment agreed to.
Government amendment No. 75:
In page 31, line 35, to delete "coerces, threatens" and substitute "coerces".
Amendment agreed to.
Government amendment No. 76:
In page 31, line 36, to delete "act in a manner contrary to" and substitute "commit an offence under".
Amendment agreed to.
Amendment No. 77 not moved.
Government amendment No. 78:
In page 32, lines 11 and 12, to delete "installation or operation," and substitute "installation, operation".
Amendment agreed to.
Amendments Nos. 79 and 80 are related and may be discussed together, by agreement.
Government amendment No. 79:
In page 32, line 15, to delete "offences." and substitute "offences,".
The purpose of amendments Nos. 79 and 80 is to ensure consistency throughout the Bill. They are minor technical amendments to Part 7 to ensure the installation or operation, or both, of CCTV in Garda premises are necessary and proportionate, having regard to the purposes outlined in the Part, namely the safeguarding of persons or property in or around the premises and the prevention, detection, investigation or prosecution of criminal offences.
Amendment agreed to.
Government amendment No. 80:
In page 32, between lines 15 and 16, to insert "if that installation, operation or both, is necessary and proportionate with regard to its principal purpose under this subsection.".
Amendment agreed to.
Government amendment No. 81:
In page 33, line 3, to delete "coerces, threatens" and substitute "coerces".
Amendment agreed to.
Government amendment No. 82:
In page 33, line 4, to delete "act in a manner contrary to" and substitute "commit an offence under".
Amendment agreed to.
Amendment No. 83 not moved.
Bill, as amended, received for final consideration.
When is it proposed to take the next Stage?
Question, "That the Bill do now pass", put and agreed to.
When is it proposed to sit again?
Cuireadh an Seanad ar athló ar 5.23 p.m. go dtí 10.30 a.m., Dé Céadaoin, an 22 Samhain 2023.
The Seanad adjourned at 5.23 p.m. until 10.30 a.m. on Wednesday, 22 November 2023.