I am pleased to bring the Bill to the Seanad. I welcome the support it received when it concluded its passage through the Dáil on 31 May.
The Bill legislates for two areas. The first part seeks to modernise the area of veterinary medicines and medicated feed. Last year, we saw the implementation of two new EU regulations in this area. The Bill reinforces those regulations in Irish legislation in a once-in-a-generation change. It shows our commitment to the key objectives of the regulations, namely, addressing antimicrobial resistance, AMR, and protecting the supply of veterinary medicines and medicated feeds while supporting Irish farmers and businesses through this unique period.
The second part of the Bill provides, through the amendment of the Fertilisers, Feeding Stuffs and Mineral Mixtures Act 1955, for the creation of a national fertiliser database which will collect data on import, sale, supply and use of fertilisers and allow for analysis of these data to assist in the administration of other Department schemes.
I thank the Senators who have engaged with my Department during the past three years on the issues at the core of this Bill. I also thank the members of the Joint Committee on Agriculture, Food and the Marine for their valuable work through meetings with my Department and their work on the pre-legislative scrutiny report, as well as on the amendments incorporated on Committee Stage which have helped to strengthen the Bill before the House.
Ireland's agrifood sector plays a vital role in our rural communities and our rural economy. It is our largest indigenous sector and accounts for almost 7% of gross national income and more than 9% of exports in value terms. The sector employs more than 170,000 people and total exports of agrifood products last year were estimated by my Department at €18.7 billion. This Bill and the matters provided for within it will play a key role in the success of our agrifood sector going forward.
In January 2022 I enacted SI 36 of 2022: European Union Veterinary Medicinal Products and Medicated Feed Regulations to give effect to EU Regulation 2019/4 on medicated feed and EU Regulation 2019/6 on veterinary medicinal products. This Bill provides for powers to make regulations on areas that these recent EU regulations left to be determined by national law such as the retailing of veterinary medicines. The Bill will repeal the Animal Remedies Act 1993 and will provide for the introduction of a national veterinary prescription system, NVPS. This system, being developed by my Department, will position Ireland as a leader within the EU in terms of regulatory oversight on the use of veterinary medicinal products in food-producing animals, which ultimately helps us to protect human and animal health and our shared environment. It provides us with the best opportunity to access new trade markets and increases the viability of our food-producing sector, thus protecting and supporting jobs in our economy and in rural Ireland in particular.
Tackling antimicrobial resistance, AMR, is accepted as being critically important to achieving the best public, animal and environmental health outcomes as well as to achieving economic, environmental and socially sustainable development and ensuring food security. The European regulation is now a cornerstone to support the achievement of the objectives set in the European One Health Action Plan and in the farm to fork strategy against AMR. The regulation recognises the important role of the animal health sector in addressing the One Health challenge of AMR, which has been referred to as the silent pandemic. This Bill strengthens Ireland's position in the global fight against AMR and supports a sustainable agrifood sector.
Actions taken to improve animal health and prevent disease are key to reducing the use of antibiotics and effectively tackling AMR. These actions align well with Ireland's national farmed animal health strategy, with one of the key enabling principles being that prevention is better than cure. This Bill provides a wide range of measures to fight AMR and promote a more prudent and responsible use of antimicrobials in animals. These measures serve to protect public health as well as animal health by working to keep antibiotics with us as effective disease treatments into the future. Veterinary practitioners as the prescribers, and indeed gatekeepers, of antibiotics have a key role to play to promote the responsible use of antibiotics in the animal health sector. The farming sector has a responsibility to work collaboratively with veterinary practitioners and other farm advisory professionals to ensure the best possible health outcomes for their animals and to use antibiotics only when absolutely necessary. The growing understanding of the risks of AMR is among the key drivers of recent EU veterinary medicinal regulation change. AMR is a global health threat posing significant challenges to human and animal health and to the farming sector.
The Bill also provides for the introduction of the new national veterinary prescription system, NVPS, and the collection and effective use of the data collected therein. This has the potential to provide local, national and international benefits across the sector to multiple stakeholders. The system itself is a free-to-use digital online platform that is accessible from any desktop or mobile device which allows veterinary practitioners record and issue veterinary prescriptions to their clients for veterinary medicinal products including medicated feed. The introduction of the NVPS will do a number of things.
It will meet the Government's commitment under its digital strategy to introduce greater digital services to its citizens. It will assist with Ireland's national "one health, one welfare", AMR and antiparasitic resistance programmes by identifying where and when particular medicines are being used and why, to what levels and in which animal species. This information was never previously available to the policymakers addressing these international disease issues. It will also assist with the development and provision of farmer education policies on the effective and good use of veterinary medicinal products, VMPs. With this education, it is expected that vets and farmers alike will prescribe and use less medication over time, ultimately resulting in huge financial savings to farming communities. It will also provide greater choice and control to individual farmers on where they purchase their medications. It will help develop the sustainability of the food-producing farming community. The data will assist policymakers in identifying alternative medicinal options and practices from a farming perspective through detailing good farming and prescribing practices. The NVPS will simplify and reduce administrative burdens by digitalising cumbersome and labour-intensive manual prescription and dispensing processes, while providing assurances to international trading partners that Ireland is at the forefront of safe food production with the highest level of regulation on the supply and use of medications in its food-producing animal population. It will aid Ireland with its EU regulatory veterinary medicinal products usage data submission commitments under EU regulations. Finally, it will help with efficiently directing limited Department and other national resources when scheduling inspections or introducing national programmes.
I am committed to ensuring a competitive marketplace for the supply of all veterinary medicines and a continuation of the current routes of supply into the future. The importance of competition in the marketplace and protecting the choice of the farmer in where he or she purchases antiparasitic veterinary medicines is central to the work of my Department. The Bill, when enacted, will also enable the collection and processing of information on the import, manufacture, sale, supply and use of fertiliser in the State. It will enable data related to fertilisers and lime to be collected from the point of import into the State, or manufacture for sale, to an end user. The Climate Action Plan 2023, Food Vision 2030 and the EU farm to fork strategy have all set ambitious targets to reduce fertiliser use, including reducing emissions associated with chemical fertiliser use by more than 50% by the end of this decade. There is also a need to improve water quality, especially in specific catchment areas.
The Bill is divided into three Parts. I will not have time to go through them in detail. Senators will have to read my script. The Bill has received a lot of scrutiny and involvement from the Oireachtas committee and stakeholders. It has received significant time and commitment on Committee and Report Stages in the Dáil as well. I look forward to Senators' contributions on Second Stage and to further engagement as we proceed to Committee and Report Stages and bring the Bill through to enactment. I thank the Cathaoirleach for scheduling the Bill today and Senators for their time.