I move:
(1) That, notwithstanding anything in the Standing Orders relative to Public Business, the Seanad on its rising on Thursday, 8th December, 2022, shall adjourn until 12.15 p.m. on Monday, 12th December, 2022, in the Dáil Chamber, to commemorate the centenary of the first sitting of Seanad Éireann, and An Taoiseach, Mr. Micheál Martin, TD, shall be invited to address the ceremonial sitting.
(2) The following arrangements shall apply:
(a) Standing Orders 29 and 30 shall stand suspended;
(b) There shall be no Order of Business.
(3) The proceedings at the ceremonial sitting shall conclude after 60 minutes and shall consist of—
(a) a speech of welcome by the Cathaoirleach;
(b) an address by An Taoiseach which shall not exceed 20 minutes;
(c) a contribution not exceeding 3 minutes by the Leader of each Group (or a Senator nominated in his or her stead): time may not be shared;
(d) a concluding speech by the Leas-Chathaoirleach.
(4) Subject to the Resolution of the Seanad in respect of the ceremonial sitting, the overall programme and protocols for the day shall be agreed by the Committee on Parliamentary Privileges and Oversight.
(5) The Seanad on its rising on Monday, 12th December, 2022, shall adjourn until 11 a.m. on Tuesday, 13th December, 2022 and the following arrangements shall apply:
(a) Commencement matters shall be taken at 11 a.m. and up to six matters may be selected by the Cathaoirleach for discussion;
(b) Standing Order 30 shall stand suspended;
(c) The Order of Business shall be proposed at 12.30 p.m.
(6) The Seanad on its rising on Tuesday, 13th December, 2022, shall adjourn until 10 a.m. on Wednesday, 14th December, 2022, and the following arrangements shall apply:
(a) Commencement matters shall be taken at 10 a.m. and up to six matters may be selected by the Cathaoirleach for discussion;
(b) Standing Order 30 shall stand suspended;
(c) The Order of Business shall be proposed at 11.30 a.m.