I move:
That, notwithstanding anything in Standing Orders:
(1) a Select Committee consisting of 11 members of Seanad Éireann be appointed, to form the Seanad Select Committee on Scrutiny of Draft EU-related Statutory Instruments (‘the Committee’);
(2) the quorum of the Committee shall be 3;
(3) the Committee may examine proposals for any Statutory Instrument being made under section 3 of the European Communities Act 1972 for the transposition of EU Directives;
(4) the Committee shall have the power to receive a list of all Directives requiring transposition under section 3 of the European Communities Act 1972, and departmental information notes at least six months in advance of the deadline for transposition;
(5) the Committee shall have power to require any Government Department or instrument-making authority concerned to submit a Memorandum to the Select Committee explaining any statutory instrument under consideration or to attend a meeting of the Select Committee for the purpose of explaining any such statutory instrument: Provided that such Department or authority may decline to attend for stated reasons given in writing to the Select Committee, which may report thereon to the Seanad;
(6) the Committee may determine that it does not require departmental information notes in respect of certain categories of Directives;
(7) the Committee shall have the power to require the Minister of State for European Affairs to attend a meeting of the Select Committee for the purpose of explaining any such proposed Statutory Instrument: Provided that the Minister may decline to attend for stated reasons given in writing to the Select Committee, which may report thereon to the Seanad: Provided further that another Minister may attend in his/her stead;
(8) the Committee shall have the power to refer any proposed Statutory Instrument and associated documents to the relevant Joint Committee and to recommend to that Committee that the proposed Statutory Instrument be further scrutinised;
(9) paragraphs (2) and (4) of Standing Order 77 shall not apply to the Committee;
(10) paragraph (2) of Standing Order 84 shall not apply to the Committee.