I have received notice from the following Senators that they propose to raise the following matters:
Senator Erin McGreehan - The need for the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine to make a statement on the direct payment rates for sheep compared with suckler beef under the new Common Agricultural Policy.
Senators Tim Lombard and Micheál Carrigy - The need for the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine to finalise the grant and premium rates under the forestry programme 2023 to 2027.
Senator Malcolm Byrne - The need for the Minister for Transport to make a statement on the reopening of the Rosslare to Waterford-south Wexford railway line.
Senator Tom Clonan - The need for the Minster for Social Protection to make additional grants to people with a disability to assist in setting up a company and to outline the reason for the reduction of their back-to-work enterprise allowance after two years.
Senator Maria Byrne - The need for the Minister for Health to make a statement on the provision of an elective hospital at St. John's Hospital, Limerick.
Senator Eileen Flynn - The need for the Minister of Minister for Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth to make a statement on the implementation of the reforms recommended in the White Paper on ending direct provision.
Senator Barry Ward - The need for the Minister for Housing, Local Government and Heritage to outline the progress that has taken place regarding year-round testing of the quality of bathing water in Dublin Bay.
Senator Lynn Boylan - The need for the Minister for Rural and Community Development to review whether, under the Control of Dogs Act 1986, as amended, local authority dog pounds have sufficient capacity to deal with the number of stray dogs being surrendered.
The matters raised by the Senators are suitable for discussion and I have selected Senators Erin McGreehan; Tim Lombard and Micheál Carrigy, who are sharing time; Malcolm Byrne; Tom Clonan; Maria Byrne; and Eileen Flynn, and they will be taken now.