I have received notice from the following Senators that they propose to raise the following matters:Senator Róisín Garvey - The need for the Minister for Housing, Local Government and Heritage to make a statement on the registration of Airbnbs. Senator Garret Ahearn - The need for the Tánaiste and Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment to provide an update on the review of Ireland's furniture fire regulations. Senator Sharon Keogan - The need for the Minister for Health to make a statement on the progress being made with Vertex Pharmaceuticals to secure access to Kaftrio for 35 children who are not in receipt of it under the original reimbursement agreement. Senator Robbie Gallagher - The need for the Minister for Finance to postpone the introduction of the 10% levy on manufacturers and suppliers of concrete products. Senator Mary Seery Kearney - The need for the Minister for Education to make a statement on the measures she intends to put in place to assist visually impaired children and young people in light of the challenges they face as highlighted in the Equitable Education Report from the National Council for the Blind in Ireland. Senator Malcolm Byrne - The need for the Minister for Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science to make a statement on Ireland’s potential membership of the European Council for Nuclear Research. Senator Fiona O'Loughlin - The need for the Minister for Justice to establish a domestic violence register in Ireland. Senator Lynn Boylan - The need for the Minister for Finance to introduce a levy on private jet departures. The matters raised by the Senators are suitable for discussion and I have selected Senators Róisín Garvey, Garret Ahearn, Sharon Keogan and Robbie Gallagher and they will be taken now. The other Senators may give notice on another day of the matters that they wish to raise.