Committees give people the opportunity to input directly into the work of the Oireachtas, usually by sending a written submission.
- A Committee may hold a public consultation on a specific matter and issue a call to the public to send submissions relating to it.
- A person who is invited to appear before a Committee is usually also asked to make a written submission.
- Anyone who wishes to raise a matter with a Committee may write or send a submission to the Committee at any time.
Whatever type of submission you are sending, be sure to follow the relevant link below and read our guidance notes.
You want to take part in a public consultation
Find all current calls for submissions on public consultations by Oireachtas Committees, along with guidance on how to make a submission.
You have been invited to appear before a Committee and make a submission
Find guidance on appearing before a Committee and making a related submission.
You want to raise a matter with a specific Committee
Anyone who wishes to raise a matter with a Committee may write or send a submission to the relevant Committee. Please read our guidance note on how to prepare and send your submission.
Petition the Oireachtas
You can also petition the Houses of the Oireachtas on matters on which it has the power to act. A special Committee of TDs and Senators, the Committee on Public Petitions, will consider your petition. The Committee will publish your petition and may invite you to speak directly to them.