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Open data

Much of the information featured on our website, including legislation, is the copyright of the Houses of the Oireachtas unless otherwise indicated.

The Houses of the Oireachtas copyright page outlines clearly how our data may be re-used. Broadcasting proceedings, in particular, are subject to specific conditions.

The Houses of the Oireachtas is nonetheless committed to the principle of open data and makes datasets relating to debates, divisions (votes) and parliamentary questions available on our bespoke APIs.

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Oireachtas (Open Data) PSI Licence

The Oireachtas (Open Data) PSI Licence waives any requirement under the Re-use of Public Sector Information Regulations to formally apply to us for permission to re-use information covered by this licence.

Oireachtas (Broadcast Proceedings) PSI Licence

A distinct licence under the Re-use of Public Sector Information Regulations applies to the re-use of broadcasts of Oireachtas proceedings, including committee proceedings.

Oireachtas APIs | Open data in action

With our open data APIs, users can access datasets relating to debates, divisions (votes) and parliamentary questions.

Take a look at our PQ | Explorer pages to see how these data can facilitate rich and diverse interrogation of the work of Parliament.
