Help second-level history students engage with the text of the debates on the Anglo-Irish Treaty. These resources are suitable for Junior Cycle, Transition Year and Senior Cycle.

Resource guide and checklist
Start with this resource guide. It explains how to use the series of resources and how the activities align with the curriculum.
Explore Historical Sources
Choose from four resources, each focusing on one of the TDs (Teachtaí Dála) who spoke in the Treaty Debates.
From Truce to Free State
See the key facts and dates around the Treaty that brought Ireland from the Truce to the Free State in this infographic.
More sources for further research
Senior cycle students may find these links useful for further research into the Treaty Debates.

TDs arriving at Earlsfort Terrace for the Treaty Debates / Courtesy of the National Library of Ireland
The Illustrated London News coverage of the opening of the Treaty Debates in Dublin on 14 December 1921 | © Illustrated London News Ltd/Mary Evans
The Treaty Debates
In 1921 and 1922 we mark the centenary of the Dáil debates on the Anglo-Irish Treaty.
The discussion on the Treaty was the most significant debate in the history of the Dáil. It was a crucial moment in Ireland’s history that set a new path for Ireland.