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Equality, Diversity and Inclusion


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We aim to promote a culture of equality, diversity and inclusion (ED&I) and make it part of everything we do.

Embracing ED&I benefits us all by giving us opportunities for creativity and innovation and encouraging us to think about new ways of doing things. It brings the Houses of the Oireachtas Service more closely in line with Irish society as a whole.

An autism-friendly Parliament

Since December 2022, we have been working with AsIAm, Ireland’s autism charity, to make Leinster House more accessible for autistic people. More than 1,000 members of the parliamentary community have completed "Understanding Autism" training, delivered by AsIAm, since May 2023.

In December 2023, the Houses of the Oireachtas achieved AsIAm autism-friendly accreditation for the Leinster House complex.

A dedicated webpage was launched in January 2024, and resources available on the page include:

  • a video and visitor guides outlining what people can expect during a visit to Leinster House,
  • information about the sensory supports we have available, including sensory maps and sensory support kits, and
  • our charter of inclusion, which sets our standards for supporting the autism community.

This is a positive step towards making the physical and sensory environment of the Leinster House complex accessible to all.

OWL programme

The Oireachtas Work Learning (OWL) programme is an applied learning, development and socialisation programme for young adults with an intellectual disability.

Irish Sign Language (ISL)

Explore how our use of Irish Sign Language improves accessibility and opens parliamentary business in Leinster House to more people than ever before. 

Pride + Parliament

The Oireachtas has played a key role in legislating for equality within Irish society, including the rights of the LGBT+ community.

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Strategy

An accessible and engaged Parliament can only be achieved if we all commit to building a diverse and representative parliamentary community reflective of the society we represent.

Our new strategy lays the foundations to drive the equality, diversity and inclusion agenda for our parliamentary community.

Key people in our work towards equality, diversity and inclusion

Equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) officer
Access officer
Disability liaison officer (DLO)
Irish Sign Language (ISL) interpreters
Oireachtas TV access liaison officer

Contact us

Human Resources Unit

Leinster House

Kildare Street


D02 XR20

Equality, diversity and inclusion officer

Access officer


Michael O'Brien

(01) 618 4556
