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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 6 Nov 2024

Vol. 1061 No. 2

Ábhair Shaincheisteanna Tráthúla - Topical Issue Matters

I wish to advise the House of the following matters in respect of which notice has been given under Standing Order 37 and the name of the Member in each case:Deputies Mattie McGrath and Martin Browne - To discuss overcrowding at Scoil Aonghusa, Cashel.Deputy Claire Kerrane - To discuss the need for a specific rural policing plan.Deputy Marc MacSharry - To discuss a reinvestigation of an Aer Lingus crash flight in 1952.Deputy Gino Kenny - To discuss future funding for Scoil Mochua, Clondalkin.Deputy Darren O'Rourke - To discuss plans for a new school building for Dunshaughlin Community National School, County Meath.Deputy Jennifer Whitmore - To discuss public transport in Wicklow.Deputy Mairéad Farrell - To discuss the vacancy rate in County Galway.Deputy Marian Harkin - To discuss the interim accommodation arrangement for the post-primary school at Grange, County Sligo.Deputy David Stanton - To discuss the anomaly of business owners who are tenants being ineligible for supports such as the power-up grant.Deputy Pearse Doherty - To discuss engagement with Transport Infrastructure Ireland regarding speed limits on national secondary roads.Deputy Fergus O'Dowd - To discuss whether the Covid inquiry will examine the deaths of 23 residents in Dealgan House nursing home, Dundalk.Deputy James O'Connor - To discuss water quality issues in the Cork East constituency.Deputy Pa Daly - To discuss funding of the rural social schemes.Deputy Rose Conway-Walsh - To discuss Newport sewerage scheme.Deputy Christopher O'Sullivan - To discuss the lack of outdoor staff in local authorities.Deputy Donnchadh Ó Laoghaire - To discuss accommodation conditions for international protection applicants. The matters raised by Deputies Mattie McGrath, Martin Browne, Darren O'Rourke, Marc MacSharry and Jennifer Whitmore have been selected for discussion.
