I will come in on that. I totally agree. It is not good enough. I understand that as a result of it being a commercial entity, the Department is able to claim that some of the information cannot be given, but we need to see if we can get any more information. That is agreed. We will do that. It is to be hoped we will get some kind of response before we meet again.
Updated actions are proposed for two further items of correspondence that were not flagged. No. R2874, received from the HSE and dated 22 October, contains a request that correspondence not be published in order to protect the HSE's confidentiality obligations. It is proposed to note and not publish this item. Is that agreed? Agreed. No. R2856, received from the OPW and dated 17 October, was circulated as a briefing for the meeting with the OPW on Tuesday of this week. At that meeting, it was agreed to note and publish this item. However, it is proposed to redact the phone numbers of the OPW attendees from the correspondence before publication. Is that agreed? Agreed. That concludes our consideration of correspondence today.
We will move on to the work programme. A draft work programme discussion document has been circulated to members, which is displayed on screen. Our next meeting is on 7 November, when we will engage with Children’s Health Ireland on its 2022 financial statements. It was agreed to invite the National Paediatric Hospital Development Board to that meeting, but the board has advised the secretariat that it is not available on this date. At the meeting of 4 October, it was agreed to add meetings with the Departments of Education and Transport to the work programme. The Department of Education has confirmed availability for 14 November, while the Department of Transport has indicated availability for 21 and 28 November.
I will come in regarding the meeting on 7 November. It is not good enough that the National Paediatric Hospital Development Board is unable to come in front of the committee on 7 November. At this stage, we know there is a very good chance that will be our last meeting and last opportunity to question the board on the huge cost overrun for the national children's hospital.
It is my understanding that it was initially contacted at the start of October. That has given it plenty of time to have witnesses before the committee. It is very important that we deal with this issue in its entirety. I suggest that we press ahead with the invitation for 7 November.