I move:
That leave be given by the Dáil to introduce the following Supplementary Estimates for the service of the year ending on the 31st day of December, 2024:
Vote 20 — Garda Síochána (Supplementary Estimate).
Vote 21 — Prisons (Supplementary Estimate).
Vote 22 — Courts Service (Supplementary Estimate).
Vote 24 — Justice (Supplementary Estimate).
Vote 25 — Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission (Supplementary Estimate).
Vote 26 — Education (Supplementary Estimate).
Vote 29 — Environment, Climate and Communications (Supplementary Estimate).
Vote 32 — Enterprise, Trade and Employment (Supplementary Estimate).
Vote 34 — Housing, Local Government and Heritage (Supplementary Estimate).
Vote 37 — Social Protection (Supplementary Estimate).
Vote 38 — Health (Supplementary Estimate).
Vote 40 — Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth (Supplementary Estimate).