The mother and baby institutions payment scheme opened for applications in March this year. As of 30 September, more than 5,160 applications had been received. There are 4,540 fully completed applications that have proceeded into the processing system. The payment scheme office is supporting the remainder, namely, those applicants with incomplete applications who need to provide some further information.
Just under 3,200 notices of determination have been issued to applicants, over 81% of which contain an offer of benefits under the scheme. Applicants then have six months to consider their offer before they need to respond to the payment office. Just over 1,750 payments are either processed and completed or in the process of being made, and the total amount paid out under the redress scheme to date is €27,440,500.
All information on the scheme and how to apply can be found at the dedicated payment scheme website, which includes a booklet, questions and answers, and a how-to video. A helpline is also available. Overall, we have received positive feedback that applicants are finding the application process straightforward and the information line helpful.
I have authorised the next phase of the public awareness campaign about the scheme to commence later this month. There was an initial phase in March to June, which took place in Ireland, the UK, the USA and Australia across a range of different mediums.
There have been a number of instances of delays, of which the Deputy raised some. These delays can emerge for different reasons, for instance, if the payment scheme office has to contact applicants to seek further information or if there are issues in the verification of application details. In such cases, the payment scheme office engages with the applicant to resolve those difficulties so the applications can be processed as quickly as possible. Each and every application is being handled on an individual basis to ensure thorough and accurate processing. Depending on the nature of the case, the response timeline can vary.