Thomas Gould
Question:109. Deputy Thomas Gould asked the Minister for Housing, Local Government and Heritage the cost rental acquisition price guidelines for Cork city. [46816/23]
View answerDáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 25 October 2023
109. Deputy Thomas Gould asked the Minister for Housing, Local Government and Heritage the cost rental acquisition price guidelines for Cork city. [46816/23]
View answerThe Cost Rental Tenant In-Situ (CRTiS) Scheme was introduced, on an administrative basis, to address the immediate circumstances of the ending of the 'Winter Emergency Period' on 31 March 2023. This scheme is available where a tenant faces the termination of a tenancy due to the landlord’s intention to sell the property.
My Department issued Acquisition Cost Guidelines (ACGs) in April of this year for each local authority area. These ACGs are updated by my Department on an annual basis. The ACGs provide cost guidelines for the acquisition by housing authorities, of second-hand properties for the provision of social housing. These guidelines reference lower and upper cost ranges along with an average/benchmark cost, which is representative of the average range of current (at the time of issue) prices across the local authority area.
The same ACGs are used by the Housing Agency for the acquisition of homes under the Cost Rental Tenant in Situ (CRTiS) scheme.
I will arrange to share a copy of the ACGs, as it relates to Cork City, with the Deputy.