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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 25 Jun 2024

Vol. 1056 No. 3

Proposed Approval by Dáil Éireann of Ireland's Participation in Two PESCO Projects and Two European Defence Agency Projects and the Report Regarding Service by the Defence Forces with the UN in 2023: Referral to Select Committee

I move:

That the proposal that Dáil Éireann approves:

(I) Ireland's participation in the following:

(i) two Permanent Structured Cooperation Projects in accordance with the Programme for Government commitment:

(a) Network of Logistic Hubs in Europe and Support to Operations, and

(b) Critical Seabed Infrastructure Protection and the associated Category B European Defence Agency support to the project, and

(ii) two European Defence Agency projects pursuant to section 2 of the Defence (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2009:

(a) Defence Energy Managers' Course II, and

(b) Cyber Defence Exercises, and

(II) the report by the Minister for Defence regarding service by the Defence Forces with the United Nations in 2023, a copy of which was laid before Dáil Éireann on 3rd May, 2024, in accordance with section 13 of the Defence (Amendment) Act 2006,

be referred to the Select Committee on Foreign Affairs and Defence, in accordance with Standing Order 95(1)(a), which, not later than 5th July, 2024, shall send a message to the Dáil in the manner prescribed in Standing Order 101, and Standing Order 100(2) shall accordingly apply.

I wish to make a point of order.

This motion relates to the European Defence Agency and the involvement of Irish troops with PESCO. Some of us believe this represents a very serious threat to Ireland's neutrality. It is being referred to the committee, which would be normal but do we have a commitment that when the committee has considered this, it will be sent back to the Dáil and there will be a debate on it? If there is not, then we will be calling a vote on it being referred to the committee.

I thank the Deputy. This will be debated in the Dáil next week.

Is that when it comes back from the committee?

Yes, after it comes back.

Question put and agreed to.