I do not have a date. As soon as I have it, I will bring it to the attention of Deputies. I recognise this is an important issue, as does everybody on all sides of the House. That is why the Government has put the money it has into the sector for the universities I identified. It is the same reason, in last year's budget, we made substantial changes to the tax code in respect of the rent-a-room or digs scheme.
I will come to that later when replying to other questions. That has been very successful across the technological universities sector and the other higher education institutes. It has proven to provide much-needed accommodation. To be quite honest, there is more that can be done in that space. I look forward to discussing that with the new Minister for Finance, Deputy Chambers, when he gets up and running in the context of the summer economic statement and the upcoming budget.
I take it that Deputy Farrell's comment was tongue-in-cheek and I will not take it personally but it is not a hullabaloo; I take this issue very seriously.
On purpose-built accommodation for the technological universities and the older universities, a tender is currently out with regard to standardised design. From my previous role with the Office of Public Works, I know that things are made an awful lot cheaper when we have a set of standardised designs that we can present to the Department of Public Expenditure, NDP Delivery and Reform before deciding on the funding model, whether public private partnership or direct Exchequer funding.
I am also conscious that some universities have significant own resources. On top of that, I am also conscious that some have private sector involvement and that this private sector involvement has shrunk in many cases. They have planning permission for student accommodation but that student accommodation may not be being realised in the private sector. There is work to do with the local authorities. I am going to engage with them to determine how many beds in the private sector have been granted permission but are not being advanced in the local authority areas. They are outside of the reach of the Department but they may not be outside of the reach of the local authorities. That is something I am anxious to get involved in.
I will come back to some of the other issues. I presume the specific issue Deputy Wynne raised is in the Shannon area. I am familiar with the area. It is very proximate to Limerick. As I pointed out to Deputy Farrell a while ago, changes have been made to the tax people pay, whether pensioners, people with earned income, people living alone or people who would like to have a student living with them as a result of lifestyle changes. The Minister, Deputy McGrath, made substantial changes in the last budget. These have been very successful. Obviously, we are trying to make further improvements.
We are also making sure that this is considered when councillors are adopting city and county development plans. I know that can also be contentious. We all know that accommodation is objected to in many cases. In some cases, it is vehemently objected to not only by locals, but by local authority representatives. I am conscious of that as well. It is adding to the problem. We welcome all suggestions from any side of the House with regard to this issue.