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Seanad Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 11 Jun 2024

Vol. 301 No. 3

Gnó an tSeanaid - Business of Seanad

I have received notice from the following Senators that they propose to raise the following matters:

Senator Barry Ward - The need for the Minister for Justice to make a statement on the implementation of an awareness campaign to help the public to identify people who have been the victims of human trafficking.

Senator Tom Clonan - The need for the Minister for Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science to make a statement on the uniformity of supports provided to students with additional needs in third-level education, with specific regard to the National College of Art and Design.

Senator Erin McGreehan - The need for the Minister for Education to make a statement on the difficulties encountered by visually impaired leaving certificate students.

Senator Lynn Ruane - The need for the Minister for Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth to provide an update on his Department's analysis of the geophysical survey undertaken at Sean Ross Abbey mother and baby home in October 2023, the extent to which these findings depart from those of the 2016 investigation by the Commission of Investigation into Mother and Baby Homes and Certain Related Matters, and to outline the steps being taken in relation to these findings.

Senator Aisling Dolan - The need for the Minister for the Environment, Climate and Communications to make a statement on an assessment of waiting times for SEAI fully funded energy upgrades for older families, including vulnerable prioritisation and the number of assessors in Roscommon and Galway.

Senator Malcolm Byrne - The need for the Minister for Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science to provide an update on the recommendations of the funding the future framework published in May 2022, particularly those relating to the core funding shortfall.

Senator Victor Boyhan - The need for the Minister for Health to make a statement on his plans for surgical hubs in Dublin, Cork, Galway, Waterford and Limerick and to provide details of locations and planning timelines.

Senator Robbie Gallagher - The need for the Minister of State with responsibility for disability to provide an update on the removal of transport charges for HSE service users in the community healthcare organisation, CHO, 1 area.

Senator Tim Lombard - The need for the Minister for Education to make a statement on the process in place for ongoing review of the scheme of reasonable accommodations at certificate examinations including the addition of new reasonable accommodations.

The matters raised by the Senators are suitable for discussion and I have selected Senators Ward, Clonan, McGreehan and Lynn Ruane and they will be taken now. The other Senators may give notice on another day of the matters that they wish to raise.
