I wish to advise the House of the following matters in respect of which notice has been given under Standing Order 37 and the name of the Member in each case:
Deputy James O'Connor - To discuss the withdrawal of funding for national roads by Transport Infrastructure Ireland, TII.
Deputy Neasa Hourigan - To discuss Government plans to expand access to naloxone to reverse the effects of opioid drugs.
Deputy Bernard Durkan - To discuss access to basic payments in the interim for applicants having difficulty accessing social welfare payments.
Deputy Éamon Ó Cuív - To discuss funding the National Ambulance Service to service populated offshore islands.
Deputy Violet-Anne Wynne - To discuss the ECCE scheme's cut-off point for disabled children who need AIM model funding for equipment to access preschool safely.
Deputy Michael Healy-Rae - To discuss the Department of Justice taking over the payment of coroners' fees across the country.
Deputy Thomas Gould - To discuss the number of serious connected incidents in Cork city in recent weeks.
Deputy David Stanton - To discuss safety measures along the N25 national road between Carrigtwohill and Youghal, County Cork.
Deputy Pat Buckley - To discuss the future of Owenacurra mental health unit in Cork.
Deputy Patrick Costello - To discuss antisocial behaviour in the Dublin 8, 10 and 12 areas.
Deputy Christopher O'Sullivan - To discuss the wait time for autism assessments in Cork South-West.
Deputy Ruairí Ó Murchú· - To discuss the lack of provision for autistic children in County Louth.
Deputy Rose Conway-Walsh - To discuss the issue of pay disparity for section 39 workers.
Deputy Martin Browne - To discuss the ability of Uisce Éireann to meet its obligations in respect of the services and repairs needed in south Tipperary.
The matters raised by Deputies James O'Connor, Ruairí Ó Murchú, David Stanton and Violet-Anne Wynne have been selected for discussion.