I move:
Tuesday's business shall be:
- Motion re Referral to Select Committee of proposed approval by Dáil Éireann of Ireland’s participation in two PESCO Projects and two European Defence Agency Projects and the report regarding service by the Defence Forces with the UN in 2023 (without debate)
- Motion re Referral to Select Committee of proposed approval by Dáil Éireann of the Double Taxation Relief (Taxes on Income) (Jersey) Order 2024 and the Double Taxation Relief (Taxes on Income) (Sultanate of Oman) Order 2024 (without debate)
- Motion re Offences against the State (Amendment) Act 1998*
- Motion re Criminal Justice (Amendment) Act 2009*
* Two separate motions to be debated together and brought to a conclusion after 2 hrs 27 mins
- Motion re Proposed approval by Dáil Éireann of the Regulations and a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on international protection, asylum and migration (resumed)
Tuesday's private members' business shall be the Motion re Affordable Electricity, selected by Sinn Féin.
Wednesday's business shall be
- Motion to Instruct Committee on the Health (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2024 (without debate, and any division claimed to be taken immediately prior to Report Stage of the Bill
- Statements pre European Council meeting of 27th-28th June, 2024, pursuant to Standing Order 124 (not to exceed 1 hr 52 mins)
- Digital Services (Levy) Bill 2024 (Committee and remaining Stages) (to commence no earlier than 4.12 p.m. and if not previously concluded, to adjourn after 60 minutes)
- Child Care (Amendment) Bill 2024 (Committee and remaining Stages) (if not previously concluded, to adjourn after 90 minutes)
- Health (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2024 (Report and Final Stages) (if not previously concluded, to adjourn after 90 minutes)
- Social Welfare (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2024 (Report and Final Stages) (if not previously concluded, to adjourn either at 10.39 p.m. or after 2 hrs, whichever is the later)
Wednesday's private members' business shall be the Motion re Primary School Funding, selected by the Independent Group
Thursday's business shall be Statements on Statutory Home Care (to conclude within 2 hr 27 mins).
Thursday evening business shall be the Motion re Report entitled “Examination of the Commission on Taxation and Welfare Report”.
In relation to Tuesday’s business, it is proposed that:
1. the ordinary routine of business as contained in Schedule 3 to Standing Orders shall be modified to the following extent:
(i) the Dáil may sit later than 10.32 p.m.
(ii) the time allotted to Government business shall be extended in accordance with the arrangements for that business; and
(iii) private members’ business may be taken later than 6.12 p.m., with consequential effect on the commencement time for Parliamentary Questions to the Minister for Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science and topical issues;
2. the proceedings on the Motion re Referral to Select Committee of proposed approval by Dáil Éireann of Ireland’s participation in two PESCO Projects and two European Defence Agency Projects and the report regarding service by the Defence Forces with the UN in 2023, shall be taken without debate;
3. the proceedings on the Motion re Referral Select Committee of proposed approval by Dáil Éireann of the Double Taxation Relief (Taxes on Income) (Jersey) Order 2024 and the Double Taxation Relief (Taxes on Income) (Sultanate of Oman) Order 2024 shall be taken without debate;
4. the proceedings on the Motion re Offences against the State (Amendment) Act 1998 and the Motion re Criminal Justice (Amendment) Act 2009 shall be brought to a conclusion after 2 hours and 27 minutes and the following arrangements shall apply thereto:
(i) the two motions shall be debated together, with separate questions put on all proceedings thereon;
(ii) the arrangements for the speeches, not including the Ministerial response, shall be in accordance with the arrangements agreed by Order of the Dáil of 30th July, 2020, for 2 hours and 15 minutes, and the Resolution of the Dáil of 20th September, 2023, providing for two minutes for non-aligned members;
(iii) following the speeches, a Minister or Minister of State shall be called upon to make a statement in reply which shall not exceed 10 minutes; and
(iv) members may share time; and
5. the following arrangements shall apply in relation to the resumed proceedings on the Motion re Proposed approval by Dáil Éireann of the Regulations and a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on international protection, asylum and migration:
(i) contributions by members shall not exceed 5 minutes in each case and all members may share time; and
(ii) where no further members are offering, a Minister or Minister of State shall be called upon to make a statement in reply which shall not exceed 10 minutes.
In relation to Wednesday's business, it is proposed that:
1. the ordinary routine of business as contained in Schedule 3 to Standing Orders shall be modified to the following extent:
(i) the Dáil may sit later than 9.30 p.m.;
(ii) Statements pre European Council meeting of 27th-28th June, 2024, pursuant to Standing Order 124, shall be taken on the conclusion of Parliamentary Questions to the Taoiseach pursuant to Standing Order 46(1): Provided that the only Taoiseach’s oral questions to be taken pursuant to Standing Order 46(1) shall be those within the remit of a Minister of State at the Department of the Taoiseach;
(iii) the SOS pursuant to Standing Order 25(1) shall be taken on the conclusion of the statements and if the time at which the Dáil suspends is earlier than 3.12 p.m., the House shall stand suspended until 4.12 p.m.; and
(iv) the time allotted to Government business shall be extended in accordance with the arrangements for that business, with consequential effect on the commencement time for the weekly division time;
2. the proceedings on the Motion to Instruct the Committee on the Health (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2024 shall be taken without debate and any division claimed thereon shall be taken immediately prior to Report Stage of the Bill;
3. the Statements pre European Council meeting of 27th-28th June, 2024, pursuant to Standing Order 124, shall not exceed 1 hour and 52 minutes and the following arrangements shall apply thereto:
(i) the arrangements for the statements, not including the Ministerial response, shall be in accordance with the arrangements agreed by Order of the Dáil of 30th July, 2020, for 1 hour and 40 minutes, and the Resolution of the Dáil of 20th September, 2023, providing for two minutes for non-aligned members;
(ii) following the statements, a Minister or Minister of State shall be called upon to make a statement in reply which shall not exceed 10 minutes; and
(iii) members may share time;
4. the proceedings on Committee and Remaining Stages of the Digital Services (Levy) Bill 2024 shall commence no earlier than 4.12 p.m. and shall, if not previously concluded, be interrupted and stand adjourned after 1 hour, and shall not be resumed on Wednesday;
5. the proceedings on Committee and remaining Stages of the Child Care (Amendment) Bill 2024 shall, if not previously concluded, be interrupted and stand adjourned after 90 minutes, and shall not be resumed on Wednesday;
6. the proceedings on Report and Final Stages of the Health (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2024 shall, if not previously concluded, be interrupted and stand adjourned after 90 minutes, and shall not be resumed on Wednesday; and
7. the proceedings on Report and Final Stages of the Social Welfare (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2024 shall, if not previously concluded, be interrupted and stand adjourned either at 10.39 p.m. or after 2 hours, whichever is the later, and shall not be resumed on Wednesday.
In relation to Thursday's business, it is proposed that:
1. the ordinary routine of business as contained in Schedule 3 to Standing Orders shall be modified to the following extent:
(i) the time for which the Dáil stands suspended pursuant to Standing Order 25(1) shall be 60 minutes; and
(ii) topical issues may be taken earlier than 7.24 p.m. and shall in any event be taken on the conclusion of Government business, with consequential effect on the commencement time for the Motion re Report entitled “Examination of the Commission on Taxation and Welfare Report”, and on the time for the adjournment of the Dáil; and
2. the Statements on Statutory Home Care shall not exceed 2 hours and 27 minutes and the following arrangements shall apply thereto:
(i) the arrangements for the statements, not including the Ministerial response, shall be in accordance with the arrangements agreed by Order of the Dáil of 30th July, 2020, for 2 hours and 15 minutes, and the Resolution of the Dáil of 20th September, 2023, providing for two minutes for non-aligned members;
(ii) following the statements, a Minister or Minister of State shall be called upon to make a statement in reply which shall not exceed 10 minutes; and
(iii) members may share time.